Plympton Approves New Code of Conduct, Secures Green Communities Grant
Officials certify nearly $600,000 in free cash, set early voting hours for presidential election
PLYMPTON, MA - September 23 - The Board of Selectmen has approved a new Code of Conduct for town officials and appointees, marking a significant step toward establishing clearer guidelines for conduct in local government.
The decision came during the board's September 23 meeting, where members unanimously voted to implement the code and its associated forms.
"Looking forward to giving it a try," said board member Mark Russo "We might find some wrinkles along the way that would want to make some modifications, but it would be really good to give this a try and see what happens."
While the code will apply to appointed officials and staff reporting to the board, elected boards retain the option to follow their own rules.
"We can't say it's for everybody because the boards that are elected can go their own way, but I hope they'll follow it," Chair John Traynor noted.
Town Administrator Liz Dennehy will now work to distribute the code and obtain signatures on the associated forms.
In other developments, the town has secured a Green Communities grant for improvements at the local library. The contract with the Commonwealth has been signed, with work expected to begin in the coming weeks.
"So that takes typically maybe four weeks or so to get it back from them fully executed. And then at that point, our vendor who works with Eversource will begin mobilization," Dennehy explained.
The project's start date will be coordinated with library staff to minimize disruption to services.
Town officials also announced the certification of $598,401 in free cash, a timely development praised by the board.
The certification is seen as a positive step for the town's financial planning and operations, coming at an opportune time for budget considerations.
In preparation for the Nov. 5, 2024, presidential election, the board approved in-person early voting hours as recommended by the town clerk.
Early voting will be available on Saturdays Oct. 19 and 26 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and weekdays Oct. 21-24 and Oct. 28-31 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The board also approved a one-day liquor license for the Mayflower Market event on Oct. 19 and 20, with a police detail to be present.
Concerns were raised about unauthorized work being conducted on town property without proper notification. The town administrator requested a future agenda item to discuss roles and responsibilities.
"I think if the board is so inclined, I'd like a future agenda item where maybe we can talk through roles and responsibilities," Dennehy said. "It's bringing up some concerns for me in particular about people doing work on town property without us being notified or having any idea."
Board members agreed on the need for a clear process to ensure proper notification and oversight of work on town properties.
The board then adjourned to executive session to discuss personnel matters and review executive session minutes from previous meetings.