Charter Review Committee Finalizes Proposed Changes for Town Meeting
Committee plans presentations to town boards and precinct caucuses
PLYMOUTH, MA - August 27 - The Plymouth Charter Review Committee has finalized proposed changes to the town charter, which will be presented to town meeting members on October 19. The committee met August 27 to discuss plans for presenting the changes to various town boards and precinct caucuses in the coming weeks.
Committee members approved the language of the articles as amended during the meeting. The final document is now available online, here, with hard copies to be provided to town meeting members.
"We've got to get it so that they can get it to everybody, because there's been some confusion about what the version is they should be looking at," said committee member Len Levin.
The committee has scheduled presentations to several town bodies:
- Advisory and Finance Committee on Sept. 5
- Committee of Precinct Chairs on Sept. 9
- Select Board on Sept. 10
- School Committee on Sept. 23
Committee members debated how to handle presentations at individual precinct caucuses. Some advocated for attending all caucuses, while others suggested directing town meeting members to the scheduled presentations.
"I think it ought to be mandatory that somebody from this committee go to every precinct caucus, unless there's something, some reason why we can't," said committee member Mike Hanlon.
Committee Chair Alan Costello expressed a desire to attend as many caucuses as possible: "I want to talk to 162, 161 people if I can."
The committee discussed adding explanatory notes about changes to charter structure and organization. One such change involves moving the town moderator section from the legislative branch chapter to the chapter on town-wide elected boards and office holders.
"No recommendation has been made to change the role of the moderator," the committee agreed to note. "However, the moderator position has been moved from the chapter on the legislative branch."
Committee member Steve Bolotin emphasized the importance of clarity in presentations: "I want town meeting members, when they see this, to know that the role of the moderator has not been changed."
The committee also addressed concerns about providing hard copies of the proposed changes. While town meeting members will receive copies, the availability for the general public may be limited due to budget constraints.
"Maybe between Michelle and I, we'll talk to the town manager, the assistant town manager, and see if we can get a certain number of copies for this building and for the library," said Costello.
The Plymouth Town Meeting is scheduled for Oct. 19, where Town Meeting Members will vote on the proposed charter changes.